OrlDen Natural Products

What our customers say...

Bill & Gary Patterson, breeders of Aultside Hulk, sold 55,000gnsBLCS Carlisle, May 2014

''We were taking semen of this bull in February last. Whilst alone in quarantine, he managed to scratch the hair of his shoulder and ribs, bare to the skin. We applied OrlDen Cattle Rinse and Herbal Cream on a regular basis up to the Carlisle Show & Sale in May. It did a terrific job, it really helped to bring the hair on and it stopped the scratching. His hair was short but very thick. He was perfect for the sale and we cannot thank you enough.''

Colin SoutterWhinfellpark Limousins

''Hair Oil worked really well and killed the ringworm very quick and the Cattle Rinse has helped the coats every so much. They have thickened, grown, and are shining. I will use the products again.''

John Lynch, breeder of Portranes K Black Buster, Male Champion Irish Angus Elite Sale, December 2014.

''This bull was prone to Dandruff and I wanted to freshen his hair for the Elite Sale. The Cattle Rinse cleared the Dandruff and really thickened his hair. It is an excellent product...''

John Eves, Eves Pedigree Limousins

''That Hair Oil is very good stuff. We use it on hard crusty Ringworm; it just softened it and fell away in no time. You are welcome to use my name anytime.''

Colin Wight, Charwood Charolais

''We rubbed Hair Oil on warts and angleberries a few times; they turned black and had disappeared in a few weeks. We like t use the Cattle Rinse on our bulls; it keeps them contented and their skins healthy. We try different things to maintain hair especially open sheds, Cattle Rinse helps us to give us an edge.''

What top race horse owners say about ORLDENHERBAL CREAM...

Ted Walsh

''OrlDen Herbal Cream is easy to apply, it won't irritate a horse and there is very little wastage. I get good results using it for  skin ailments, cracked heels, wounds, girth sores etc. Anytime I wash a horse down, I use OrlDen Herbal Lotion  in warm water in warm water. It is not cheap as a wash but it is most effective and beneficial to freshen a horse's coat and encourage  hair growth.''

Noel Meade

''We use OrlDen Herbal Cream for mud rash and general cuts and scrapes. If we see mud rash starting, we apply the cream straight away. It takes the soreness out of it and it settles down very quickly.''

Christy Roche

''We use OrlDen Herbal Cream for cracked heels. We find it very good. It absorbs in quickly, it doesn't irritate the horse and quickly relieves any soreness. Because it absorbs easily, no dirt or debris attaches to it to aggravate the condition.''

Michael Halford

''We get good results using OrlDen Herbal Cream on girths and heels. We find it doesn't irritate and they heal within a couple of days.''

Conor O'Dwyers

''We use OrlDen Herbal Cream for cracked heels and sore girths etc. It absorbs immediately, it is very soothing and heals  quickly. We think it is very good and always keep some available.''

£59.00 + VAT

OrlDen Hair Oil

[ 2610 ]

£30.00 + VAT
£22.00 + VAT
£9.75 + VAT

Wart Spray

[ 2625 ]

£27.50 + VAT